2023. Cetrà, Daniel and Brown Swan, Coree (eds.) State and Majority Nationalism in Plurinational States, Routledge.
2019. Cetrà, Daniel Nationalism, Liberalism and Language in Catalonia and Flanders, Palgrave Macmillan.
Artículos Académicos
2023. Sanjaume-Calvet, Marc; Cetrà, Daniel; Franco-Guillén, N. ‘Leaving Europe, Leaving Spain: Framing Secessionist Demands from and within the European Union‘, West European Politics.
2022. Morales-Gálvez, Sergi and Cetrà, Daniel ‘Regulating Language: Territoriality and Personality in Plurinational Spain’, Ethnicities, 22:2, 253-273.
2022. Cetrà, Daniel and Brown Swan, Coree ‘Speaking for “Our Precious Union”: Unionist Claims in the Time of Brexit (2016-2020)’, Territory, Politics, Governance. 10:5, 646-60.
2021. Cetrà, Daniel and Swenden, Wilfried ‘State Nationalism and Territorial Accommodation in Spain and India’, Regional and Federal Studies. 31:1, 115-137.
2021. Morales-Gálvez and Cetrà, Daniel ‘La Controvèrsia sobre el Model Lingüístic del Sistema Educatiu Català: Arguments, Fonaments Normatius i Perspectives d’Apropament’, Revista de Llengua i Dret, 75, 46-63.
2020. Cetrà, Daniel and Brown Swan, Coree ‘State and Majority Nationalism in Plurinational States: Responding to Challenges from Below’, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 26:1, 1-7.
2020. Brown Swan, Coree and Cetrà, Daniel ‘Why Stay Together? State Nationalism and Justifications for the Union in the UK and Spain’, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 26:1, 46-65.
2019. Cetrà, Daniel and Harvey, Malcolm ‘Explaining Accommodation and Resistance to Demands for Independence Referendums in Spain and the UK’, Nations and Nationalism, 25:2, 607-29.
2018. Cetrà, Daniel and Liñeira, Robert ‘Breaking-up within Europe: Sub-state Nationalist Strategies in Multilevel Polities’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 56:3, pp. 717-729.
2018. Cetrà, Daniel; Casanas-Adam, Elisenda; Tàrrega, Mariola ‘The 2017 Catalan Independence Referendum: A Symposium’, Scottish Affairs, 27:1, pp. 126-143.
2016. Martí, David and Cetrà, Daniel, ‘The 2015 Catalan Election: a de facto Referendum on Independence?’, Regional and Federal Studies, 26:1, pp. 107-19.
2015. Liñeira, Robert and Cetrà, Daniel, ‘The Independence Case in Comparative Perspective’, The Political Quarterly, 86:2, pp. 257-64.
Capítulos en Libros Académicos
Forthcoming 2024. Keating, Michael and Cetrà, Daniel ‘Nationalising Human Rights in the UK’, in Thiec, A. and Barcat, C. (eds.) Euroscepticism and Human Rights in the UK, Presses Universitaires de Caen.
2024. Cetrà, Daniel ‘Nacionalisme’, in Morales-Gálvez et al (eds.) Filosofia Política: Una Introducció, Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona. Chapter 10.
2022. McEwen, Nicola and Cetrà, Daniel ‘The State and Nationalism’, in Hay, Colin; Lister, Michael; and Marsh, David (eds.) The State: Theories and Issues (2nd edition), Palgrave Macmillan, Chapter 13.
2021. Cetrà, Daniel and Brown Swan, Coree ‘Referendum Redux: Catalonia, Quebec and Lessons for Scotland’, in E. Hepburn, M. Keating and Nicola McEwen (eds.) Scotland’s New Choice: Independence After Brexit, The Hunter Foundation [e-book], pp. 56-68.
2017. Cetrà, Daniel and Harvey, Malcolm, ‘“The Song Remains the Same?” Constitutional Developments in Catalonia and Scotland in 2015’, European Yearbook of Minority Issues, Volume 14, pp. 155-70.
2017. Cetrà, Daniel ‘Linguistic Diversity in Plurinational States’, 50 Shades of Federalism online project, University of Canterbury. [Republished in French by the Centre d’Analyse Politique Constitution et Fédéralisme] [Published in Myanmar by the Hanns-Seidel Foundation to train civil servants and civil society groups on federalism]